Creating your MyJobCorps Portal Account
If you already expressed your interest and have not created an account, go to and select “Log In” then follow the step-by-step instructions below.
Figure 1: Log In Through the Job Corps Enrollment Page
If you have not expressed your interest, you must first go to and fill out the Express Interest Tool.
Figure 2: Expressing Interest Through the Job Corps Enrollment Page
Once completed, you will see a button that says, “Apply Now.” Selecting this button will allow you to create your MyJobCorps account.
Figure 3: Apply Now Button on Express Interest Tool Confirmation Page
1. Select Create an account.
Figure 4: MyJobCorps Create an Account Page
4. Enter the same email address you used when you expressed your interest with Job Corps.
5. Select your email language preference, read and accept the Rules of Use and then select Submit. You will receive a confirmation email.

Figure 5: MyJobCorps Create an Account Page with filled information
6. Log into your email and select Confirm your email address.

Figure 6: confirmation email
7. Create a password with 12 characters or more. Be sure to make note of your password so that you can log back into your Portal.

Figure 7: create a password page
8. Select a way to verify your account using one of the authentication methods and select Continue. You can use the Text or voice message verification option to authenticate your account directly from your mobile device. Please be sure to remember your authentication method as it will be needed upon logging into your account. A second verification method isn’t required but you won’t be able to access your account if you forget your first verification method.
Note: If you can’t recall your authentication method, you will not be able to log into your account so please work with your Admissions Representative to provide additional information through email.

Figure 8: Authentication method setup page
9. Select Agree and continue.

Figure 9: Continue to MyJobCorps page
10. You now have access to the MyJobCorps Portal.
Figure 10: MyJobCorps Portal Home page
11. You can login to your account at any time by going to and signing in using the username and password you just created.